Start listening for games hosted locally, binds to 47777. Clears the LanDiscovery.foundGames array.
Stops listening for games, does not clear LanDiscovery.foundGames.
Search for games for a specified amount of time. Clears the current LanDiscovery.foundGames array.
Properly cleans up with LanDiscovery.end afterwards.
The number of seconds to search for games for.
The games that were found.
All games that have been found so far, cleared on LanDiscovery.begin.
The UDP socket used.
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents the LAN searching for games area in Among Us.
Binds a UDP socket to 47777 and waits for messages containing a game name and the number of players in the game.
Prevents duplicate games from repeated broadcast messages.
See LanDiscoveryEvents for events to listen to.